Quote from: BillO on Jul 09, 2017, 07:33AMKind of this, yes. The authoritarian part flows naturaly from the concept that God created the universe though, so goes without saying. It's the judgment thing I think I can do without.
Yeah... and to tell the truth, you aren't alone. Many figure in history, even religious figures hate being judged. It means not only making a mistake or an error, but owning up to it.
When King George broke from the catholics and created the anglican church... it was really about not wanting to submit to authority of another. He never intended to keep his promises of marriage and such, but he wanted to be able to freely break them when they no longer suited him. And therein lies the crux of the issue..
Quote from: BillO on Jul 09, 2017, 09:55AMThis can be done without religion Bruce. Very effectively too.It can, but rarely ever is. Mostly, it is done on a level of convenience. When you offend, ties may be completely severed, so try to offend as little as practical.
Because... who wants to be judged? Who wants to be told they screwed up, and have it rubbed in their face? Who wants to be that person in a relationship... where everyone else says, "oh yeah, you were in the wrong, man..." No one.
Which is the duality many people miss in Christianity.
Step 1, try.
but step 2.... yeah, you will fail. It happens. But you know what? you're saved... so screw that diet cheat day and get back on the diet, ok? Those days happen. Here's a salad.
In the end, no one likes to think about being judged per their failures... and really, that seems to be what fuels most of the anti-religious (as opposed to the non-religious). The simple human emotion of knowing your wrong, but trying to avoid being called on it... But the fear of that, is similar to the internal issues most Americans have with a diet. I screwed up. so... screw it. All you have to do is continue to eat better. The key in not in one event or another, but the consistency of maintaining it.
Because the real human experience: sometimes... it's easier to find an excuse.
Couple that with: deal with the immediate over the long term, and you have why most americans will not be able to retire off of a 401k plan/savings.