50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

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Doug Elliott
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by Doug Elliott »

"The Schachter family, All County Music President Fred Schiff, and Conn-Selmer music company President John Stoner presented the instruments to the students, their parents, and the band directors."

I guess Conn-Selmer deserves a mention here but it's not clear whether they donated, or somehow in combination with All County Music, or if somebody paid for them. In any case it's a pretty great gesture.
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by harrisonreed »

That's so cool. Gave me a chill reading it
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by DougHulme »

So when in the UK you click on that link this is the message you get.

"Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism".

Whats that all about some GDPR rule or something?
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by sungfw »

DougHulme wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 12:22 am So when in the UK you click on that link this is the message you get.

"Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism".

Whats that all about some GDPR rule or something?
No pics or vid, but here's the text
Parkland victim Alex Schachter’s musical spirit lives on as 50 kids get trombones in his name


Parkland victim Alex Schachter’s musical spirit lives on as 50 kids get trombones in his name

Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting victim Alex Schachter may be gone but his musical spirit will live on through the talents of 50 band students from 50 South Florida schools who received $50,000 worth of specially designed Alex Tribute Trombones on Saturday.

“I’m blown away,” said father Max Schachter at the ceremony. “To see Alex affecting all of these kids [with] his love of music expanding all across the state ... it’s unbelievable.”

Hundreds of students and their families packed the All County Music store in Tamarac at 11 a.m. to receive their new trombones engraved with a motif combining Alex’s name and a trombone.

All County Music honored the life of Alex Schachter, a MSD shooting victim by donating 50 Alex Tribute trombones to students throughout South Florida.

Apollo Middle School student Samantha Rodriguez, 12, of Pembroke Pines, was among those selected to receive the honor.

“It means a lot,” she said. “I was confused. I thought it was a joke for some reason but now I’m here and I’m kind of shaking.”

Her music teacher Bryan McCall was one of about 50 band directors who had the challenging task of nominating students.

“Alex can no longer go to college and get a [music] scholarship, but these kids can,” he said. “Alex can no longer say he’s in a band and he’s traveled and had all these great experiences, but these kids can through this foundation.”

Benjamin Collin Hobschaidt, 12, of Boynton Beach, was another of the lucky ones but he also wanted to give back.

He played his trombone on a Delray Beach street corner for a couple of hours Friday night to collect $304 for the cause.

“We decided to busk — that’s the art of street performing — so we did that to raise money for the Alex Schachter [Scholarship Fund] so kids could keep thriving and do what they love, which is music,” he said. “The money will go to the MSD marching band.”

Alex, 14, was a trombone player in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Eagle Regiment Marching Band and got his start in music at neighboring Westglades Middle School.
“The most important thing in Alex’s life and the thing that made him grow and mature is music,” said Max Schachter. “Every parent wants to find something their kid loves and enjoys and music can be that.”

The Schachter family, All County Music President Fred Schiff, and Conn-Selmer music company President John Stoner presented the instruments to the students, their parents, and the band directors.
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by DougHulme »

Thank you Sungfw. Thats a really moving story. Legacy extreme..

Just why the UK isnt allowed to view the story on that website remains a mystery, its a powerful tale of good news out of tragedy surely to be shared.
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by sungfw »

Doug Elliott wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 4:40 pm In any case it's a pretty great gesture.
I agree, it's a great gesture. Kind of a shame it wasn't 76, though.
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Re: 50 trombones given out to honor slain Parkland student

Post by Doug Elliott »

So the full story is this:

Alex Schachter was a 14 year old trombone player, and one of the 14 students and 3 staff members killed in the shooting on February 14, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkand Florida.

All County Music is a local music store about 6 miles south of the school. Fred Schiff, the owner, knew Alex and had this idea to honor him. He asked Conn-Selmer to make 50 trombones with the special "Alex" engraving, and asked 50 band directors in south Florida to nominate a student to receive one.

So it was Fred Schiff's idea, and he paid for them. What a great guy!!! Thanks to him and Conn-Selmer.
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