Range in extended positions.

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Range in extended positions.

Post by BeardedPicc »

Hi all,

I had a question about range and flexibility in extended positions. I seem to have a much easier time playing higher, and with more flexibility in 5th through 7th position than I do in the closer positions. Is this normal? If it was just one or two partials more, than I wouldn't really think anything of it, but it tends to be 3 to 4 more than I can play in 1st or 2nd. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what could make those outer positions easier, maybe something acoustical about the trombone?

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Doug Elliott
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Re: Range in extended positions.

Post by Doug Elliott »

It partly depends how high you're talking about. And what size your trombone is. And your particular embouchure. There may be good reasons - in the same range, harmonics are farther apart in 1st - the blowing resistance changes between1st and outer positions - and maybe extending the slide is changing your mouthpiece placement or angle.
"I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two."
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Re: Range in extended positions.

Post by BeardedPicc »

Those are all good things to think about. I do know that on 7th I have to angle my head to the right to reach fully, but on 6th I don't. As far as how high, in 1st position I can always play up to Bb4, and most days C5. But in 7th position I can almost always play up to F5. My horn is an old Besson 8-10, which is a .485" bore, and surprisingly heavy.
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