Bass Trombone Gb attachment issues

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Bass Trombone Gb attachment issues

Post by Bassbonebabe »

I recently took my bass trombone to the shop because part of it was coming unsoldered (it used to be my sisters you'd have to know her :roll: ). Ever since I got it back and I try to play anything, especially a low D, on my Gb trigger, the note splits and hardly speaks. When it does its weak and quiet 9 times out of 10. Prior to the shop I almost never had this issue, and I've taken multiple chop breaks and have taken it easy since then. It still is having issues and has become a real problem. Suggestions? My next move is to try some thin oil down the tuning slide to try and see if that helps any.
A male highschool bass trombonist from a family of brass and woodwind musicians
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Re: Bass Trombone Gb attachment issues

Post by Bonearzt »

LOT'S of reasons it's not responding correctly!!
Could be it was not soldered correctly, bumpers missing or not trimmed, leaking water key.

First choice is to take it back to the shop and explain what's going on.

Unfortunately, we can't diagnose much more from a distance!

Eric Edwards
Professional Instrument Repair

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