Carbon fiber bass trombone case

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Carbon fiber bass trombone case

Post by JoeStanko »

I'm looking for a lighter bass trombone case than my Bona - has anyone tried the Edwards carbon fiber models: ... mbone-case

An initial check into an Accord carbon fiber bass trombone case was $1150 or so..the Edwards 3K case is $565.

Alternately, if anyone has a source for carbon fiber cases or has something for sale please contact me directly. A nicely maintained Marcus Bona case will then be available for sale..

Joe Stanko - [email protected]
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Re: Carbon fiber bass trombone case

Post by CalgaryTbone »

I believe that Brassark has some carbon fibre cases in the prototype stage right now. It was either on their site or maybe their Facebook page recently. Might be worth contacting Noah to see what they have, and find out when they expect to be selling them and at what price point.

Jim Scott
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Re: Carbon fiber bass trombone case

Post by mrdeacon »

You're looking for something feather weight Joe!!

Are you using the standard Bonna bass case? It might be worth checking out a Bonna Soft case in carbon fiber. Probably your cheapest option when it comes to carbon fiber.

The Bonna soft case isn't a true soft case. The bottom half of the case is still hardshell and the top half is soft with a fiberglass or carbon fiber slide compartment on the top shell. Slide compartment is on the outside of the case like on a old school Cronkhite O series bag.

As a result of being "softer" the case is also lighter, a little slimmer and a touch smaller. I'm pretty sure it can only fit up to 9 1/2" bells but I have not confirmed that. Fits my Minick perfect. Great case for rotor horns.

Don't be sketched out by it being half soft though. The slide compartment protects a huge chunk of the case and the squishy parts are significantly padded between where the horn is. With a well placed foam block I've got a good 3-4 inches of foam and padding between my bell flare and the outside of the case.

Fits perfectly in overheads!

Horn Guys might have the carbon fiber series soft case in stock right now.... But I'm not sure. Would be worth a call and chatting with Steve or Robert.

Also hit me up if you end up selling your Bonna case!!!
Rath R1, Rath R3, Rath R4, Rath R9, Minick Bass Trombone
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Re: Carbon fiber bass trombone case

Post by GBP »

I have both Edwards cases. I also own a Bonna. The light weight Edwards case is noticeably lighter than the Bonna the standard carbon case, much less so.
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