Hi again, what your saying about un spun blanks would be possible , but given your assertion that he had all the tooling seems a very long winded process, far easier to make it from scratch.
I have never seen a yellow brass 62H/Fuch's ( I think they are one and the same) bell ( Other than the Minick I mentioned earlier which was I think one piece) so may be that was the reason???
Now, I should make it clear I am in no way trying to cast any doubt on the originality of this horn, but Earl Williams was clearly buying parts in for some of the model 10's before he went to the pig tale wrap and like many before and after he used what was obtainable at the time. I am making this clear as........
I would completely concur with Blast in saying
There can be no doubt that the valve wrap is from a Holton either 169 or 185 just like the one in the second picture.
The first image is another pre pig tale model 10 but this time with a Conn wrap probably 72H.
The Conn one has been soldered at the top to the underside of the stem, were as the Holton has used a small stay exactly as used on the 169/185.
The radius on the large bend coming out of the rotor on the Williams in this thread is the tighter Holton one as opposed to the Conn wrap in the first picture which results in the vertical width being smaller , hence the little stay.
Also if you compere the stays on the long tuning slide pull there are two on the Holton and One on the Conn and there are small ferrules at the end of the outer legs....... Holton!
As for the rotors? I again I would be very surprised if they were not also Holton and Conn respectively but obviously can not say for sure with out examining them.
Again I stress
this is not meant as a criticism!! I think both horns are original but have clearly be built using different manufacturers valve wraps and as I said most likely the respective rotors.
Maybe these were the prototypes

and Earl was trialing different wraps and valves before he went to the effort and expense of tooling up to make his own version, I guess we'll never know.
The biggest shame to me is that the original leadpipe is not present.
I would love to have a blow on this but alas being poor and 6000 mile away that ain't gonna happen any time soon.
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