Back pressure and increased range?

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Back pressure and increased range?

Post by bigbandbone »

Now that I'm living in a condo and have to keep the noise down I am practicing with a practice mute stuffed in the bell. Never had to do this before! When playing with the practice mute I find it easier to play the upper register. It also adds a major third to my range!

Then I take the mute out and it's back to the same old me, struggling for high B natural!

Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea why it happens?
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Re: Back pressure and increased range?

Post by baileyman »

Most practice mutes are too short and clip the node that resides outside the bell of especially low notes. So for most, low notes goe way sharp. Perhaps there is a similar effect on the highs, but I have not noticed it. Maybe psychological? More air tends to drive a note to the next partial. If the note sounds quieter than usual, it could be that you're blowing harder.

My first workout every morning is in the mute since wifey sleeps longer, so everything in the mute seems the same to me now.
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Doug Elliott
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Re: Back pressure and increased range?

Post by Doug Elliott »

Depending on your embouchure type... it may be the backpressure, or it may be that the weight of the mute changes the angle you hold the horn.
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Re: Back pressure and increased range?

Post by SwissTbone »

To me the practice mute also helps high register. I use it as a practice tool. Nice to get your lips vibrating "roughly"at the right pitch. When I take the mute out, I can play the high note I struggled with before.
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