smooth slide

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smooth slide

Post by ennisdavis »

My kind slide is kinda scratchy. Visually looks ok. Any tricks to get a glass smooth feel.
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Re: smooth slide

Post by BGuttman »

1. Clean the inside of the outer slide.
2. Apply lube and work in.
3. Apply water if needed.

If this doesn't do the trick you can try polishing the inside of the outer slide with Wright's Brass Polish (liquid). Follow up with a good cleaning with running water.

Check the inner slide for damage to the chrome plating. Sometimes you have to feel for it.

Note that nickel silver outers tend to be scratchy compared to brass outers.

One trick I've tried in the past is to slather on a thick layer of slide cream, let it sit overnight, then wipe off all excess. If it's still gummy, try cleaning the inside of the outer slide. This will not work if you use Slide-O-Mix.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
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