Where can I buy screw bell parts?

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Where can I buy screw bell parts?

Post by aasavickas »

I want to try cutting my bass trombone bell and make it a screw bell. I have a guy who will do the work but he would need the parts. French horn rings are too heavy and probably a bit large. Do any of the manufacturers sell threads and rings? Maybe Lawler?

Also, which cases are a good deal for screw bells. I know that Marcus Bonna makes one but those are awfully expensive and seem to rarely be in stock anywhere. I think Shires is selling a case for screw bells.

Appreciate any ideas.

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Re: Where can I buy screw bell parts?

Post by Jimkinkella »

Instrument Innovations or Shires.
The Shires is lighter, but also tighter and a little more expensive.
Both fine pieces.

Basili is similar to the Bonna, but built a bit more cheaply, and $150-$200 cheaper.
Sometimes you can find an old Holton case on ebay.
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Re: Where can I buy screw bell parts?

Post by elmsandr »

Instrument innovations sells some new ones. I think I may have a set somewhere in my toolbox, I’ll dig and take a look. Didn’t fit on my flare that I was going to convert (the flare isn’t round.. oops).

For cases, I picked up a Shires case. I’d be willing to sell it for what I paid (about $300). It is OK, but a little heavier than I really wanted. Don’t try to use it with a Bach length slide, it won’t fit. It was available and I didn’t have to make it work like a Pelican Rifle case, so I went a little lazy.

I like the idea of the smaller bags, but I really want a compact hard case that will fit flat in my trunk. The Shires case does fit, but it isn’t super compact.

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