Outer slide crook dent

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Outer slide crook dent

Post by Goodgig »

Picked up a 6H on eBay. I had some repair work done but there is still a dent on the slide crook nub where the rubber bumper is. Slide works great so I don’t want to mess with repairing it if it doesn’t improve sound or playability. What’s your experience on the impact of these crook dents on sound and playability?
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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by Bonearzt »

No problem, IMHO.

BUT....there are some that may think dents do affect the horn in some way, "I" just don't.

Those dents under the end guard are usually very difficult to repair cleanly. Usually involves unsoldering and possibly replacing the guard, then repairing the dent and realigning the slide.

Unless it's REALLY bad and/or cracked & leaking, I wouldn't worry about it.

Eric Edwards
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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by greenbean »

MY experience: It doesn't seem to make much of a difference. If the slide works well, leave it. (If you plan to sell it... fixing it might make it more attractive to potential buyers.)
Tom in San Francisco
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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by Goodgig »

Great replies. Don’t plan to sell. I’ll play it as is.
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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by imsevimse »

Larger dents can have impact on intonation. One or more notes can be affected if you have bad luck, it depends on where the dent is. I had a large dent, about a half centimetre deep in the bell section, just after the male reviever in the goose-neck. It made the middle f in first position play very strange and very flat. Improved when the dent was removed. A small dent doesn't matter at all.

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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by 2bobone »

Think about it like a pothole on the road to a perfect ride ! With all of the "Hullabaloo" about that little depression in the same area of the horn as you are experiencing, the water key ---- Amado ---- Saturn ---- Butler's latest un-patented attempt at an improvement on the water key ---- there must be some reason to get rid of that tiny depression ! I know that when I put a "Sauer Brace" on my 62H in that part of the horn that it totally transforms the way the horn blows, so it follows that your dent could be more consequential than you think. One thing to remember is that if you don't consider yourself to be in the best possible shape, you have to realize that your assessment of subtle changes in ANY area of your instrument will be uncertain. You won't be judged unfavorably by anyone with any knowledge of the vagaries of wind instrument "surprises" if you get down to the business of making that repair happen ! Fix the damned thing and then you won't have to wonder with every note you play whether or not it is a "bump in the road" ! Just sayin' ----------
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Re: Outer slide crook dent

Post by afugate »

Bonearzt wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:16 pm No problem, IMHO.

BUT....there are some that may think dents do affect the horn in some way, "I" just don't.

Those dents unter the end guard are usually very difficult to repair cleanly. Usually involves unsoldering and possibly replacing the guard, then repairing the dent and realigning the slide.

Unless it's REALLY bad and/or cracked & leaking, I wouldn't worry about it.

My first bass bone had a similar dent in the slide crook. I took it to Eric and he told me to ignore it, so I happily did. :) Once I learned to play the horn, I forgot the dent was there.

The only issue was that it made it difficult to run a snake through there. That might be an issue for a horn with a much smaller bore. Crud build up could affect the blow and the intonation.

--Andy in OKC
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