Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

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Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by norbie2018 »

Start slow and work up to tempo or practice at tempo a chunk at a time until you learn it? Or a bit of both? Or something else I'm missing?
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Doug Elliott
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by Doug Elliott »

I like to go back and forth between "at tempo" in small chunks, and half tempo.

Also, work on it with different articulations including no articulation. Getting good at it in different contexts makes it comfortable.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by Kbiggs »

I will sometimes work on a fast passage first with all glissandos, then add articulations on the strong beats or accents, then add more articulation and speed.

Here’s a different approach from Jason Sulliman. I haven’t tried it yet. Just waiting for “that perfect passage” to give it a go... :lol:

I believe that the general approach that Doug describeso—breaking down a passage into manageable chunks while simultaneoulsy keeping the entire passage in mind—is important. It’s easy to focus on 4-5 notes that are more problematic and then neglect the other parts of a passage.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by baileyman »

Doug Elliott wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:19 pm I like to go back and forth between "at tempo" in small chunks, and half tempo.

Also, work on it with different articulations including no articulation. Getting good at it in different contexts makes it comfortable.
Works for me! And 1/4 tempo can also be helpful. And locking into tempo with a series of prefatory quarter notes.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by timothy42b »

Thanks for posting the Sulliman link. I've been trying to find it again without luck.

I've never had much success with the incremental speedup approaches. The at tempo methods of Doug and Sulliman seem to work better for me. Some of the piano teachers say always finish with a run through at half speed though, if you end at tempo it doesn't stick as well.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by sterb225 »

I start at the end of the passage with the last few notes and progressively add notes to the passage. I do spend limited time on playing it slowly in context ... careful not to practice in to my memory any mistakes or hitches.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by BflatBass »

I used to start slow and increase tempo a little at a time but now I use the Sulliman approach. I will finish at a slower speed though to keep the context as sterb225 mentioned. It helps to clarify the passage.
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Re: Most efficient way of learning a fast passage

Post by norbie2018 »

Thanks for all the replies!
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