Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

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Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by Finetales »

One of the first things that came to my mind after the Space Force announcement is whether or not it will get a band (or bands). Being as the other five official branches including the Coast Guard have multiple bands and ensembles of varying instrumentation, it would seem weird for a sixth branch to not have any, no? But with the budget being the way it is and the branch having no history or public presence I could see the argument that there's no reason for it. The fact that the branch revolves around space shouldn't be a reason to not have one; after all, those enlisted in the Air Force bands don't have to fly planes. But I'm not sure. It just seems weird to have six branches with only one not having a musical ensemble of any kind, as likely as that seems. What do you think?
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by Neo Bri »

I would sure hope so. It's not a large expenditure and adds to, or at least establishes a tradition, something a youngish country could always use more of.
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by BflatBass »

Well if there is one, just to be fitting, they should at some point have a concert in space! Don't you think?
I dream of the day that the world will be healthy enough that I can play in a live ensemble again.
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by ghmerrill »

Yeah, but my first thought was how to solve the fundamental problem about sound in a vacuum.
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by hyperbolica »

I think they've already contracted the cats from the Cantina Band on Moss Isely.
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by BGuttman »

OK. How do you march in formation with zero G on the Space Station? 8-)

What about emptying water keys? :evil:
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by JohnL »

The last time something like this happened, it was the Air Force being separated from the Army (1947). Since there was an existing AAF band, it became part of the new US Air Force. There isn't any sort of band directly attached to Air Force Space Command, so I would expect that any "Space Force Band" would have to be established from scratch. Space Command is headquartered at Peterson AFB in Colorado, which is also the home of the USAF Academy Band, but I can't see them moving the Academy Band to the new Space Force.

Hard to speculate further without treading into potentially political territory.
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Re: Do you think the United States Space Force will get a band?

Post by Mikebmiller »

In space, no one can hear you scream. Or play trombone.
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