Quote from: MikeBMiller on Jun 28, 2017, 03:22PMCongrats, but don't get a big head. Being 1st chair of a Jr. High or HS group only means you beat 4 or 5 other people who may or may not care about practicing. Pat yourself on the back, then go back to practicing and see if you can get first chair of your county, region, or All-State band.
I do remember getting excited when I got 1st chair for the 1st time in my Jr. High band. Me and this other guy kept going back and forth the whole year over it. Then the next year, he quit band and went on to become a really good HS basketball player. Guess who got the girls? (hint - not the trombone player).
Nah, you're a musician! We get dibs on the good ones.