sorry I do not have experiance with the complete range of trombones from Amrein.
I only testplayed the 6i Model once. Fantastic Instrument. Basically a Conn 6H copy but with .508 bore. Another one on my short list of horns I would buy if my horn corrodes away.
If you are looking into horns from small but excellent manufacturers do not leave out Kromat. I played his CL 139 once and was totally impressed.
If I would play a 547 bore at all, this would be mine.
If you want more details just send me an e-mail and I will call you up.
Good Luck with your horn shopping an have a great time testing all these beauties.
Isn't that the best time a trombonist can have at all? I mean before all the practising starts on your new axe.
Absolutely fantastic instruments, creative company. I visited their showroom/factory in Lübeck a few years ago. Highly recommended if you get the chance. The horns all felt very consistent and were lots of fun to play. I think they have a sweet sound. Alfred Patterson and Ray Anderson both play .547 Amreins here in New York, their horns are extremely responsive. I've played Al's horn, it's a gem- and Ray does superhuman things with his. They make some very interesting designs also- matte brushed & handpainted finishes, double bells, handmade wooden mutes, titanium mouthpieces, etc. Check em out.
I was at the Music fair in Frankfurt this year, played on several trombones: Shires, Bach, Conn, Kuhn & Hoyer, Voigt Brass, Kromat, Throja ánd Amrein. For me it was clear ... Amrein!
I hope it's not too late to chime in on this thread.....
I've owned an Amrein for 9 years now. Schneider Modell 9e with .531 bore (13.5mm). Brushed gold brass bell. Gorgeous horn, easy to blow, heavy built horn, warm sound that speaks up when pushed. I played lead on it with no problem. Didn't have to go to the shop for repairs as often, as it withstood the rigors of "gig life" (flying, things knocked over on it. etc). The laquer might be the only thing I'd consider an issue - tuning slide finish fading some and weld around the bell bead. But those are the only parts that aren't in contact with skin that has issues.
Overall, built like a Mack truck, plays like a dream! That's why I've gone from 4 horns to 1.....there was no reason to play the others anymore once I got the Amrein!
I'm an infrequent poster, a retired teacher and trombone player, with one son currently teaching HS music and tuba in Texas, and a son and daughter respectively student teaching (music, of course) in Boston and North Texas respectively (trumpet and voice, respectively). I'm currently shopping for a bass trombone for my grandson, and wondered (unless it's a no no to ask) about pricing on the Amrein bass, which I can't seem to find anywhere. Thanks.
I'm an infrequent poster, a retired teacher and trombone player, with one son currently teaching HS music and tuba in Texas, and a son and daughter respectively student teaching (music, of course) in Boston and North Texas respectively (trumpet and voice, respectively). I'm currently shopping for a bass trombone for my grandson, and wondered (unless it's a no no to ask) about pricing on the Amrein bass, which I can't seem to find anywhere. Thanks.