Hello all. I mentioned this in a post somewhere, but I thought I could give you all a PSA. I've used adhuntr.com for a long time and thought I would mention it here. If you ever wanted to search for something on Craigslist, but search all the cities instead of just selecting one city, then go to www.adhuntr.com. I've found many trombone and non-trombone related things on this website. I live in New York, and if I found something I wanted in, let's say Texas, through this Craigslist search engine, I could contact the seller. Usually Craigslist sellers do not want to ship their items and usually want cash, but if I explained myself and how I came across their listing, and proved I'm a real person with knowledge of the item, and supplied a phone number and email, then the sellers always cooperated with me and accepted PayPal and shipped the items to me. One time a California man would only either accept a check or cash in the mail for a bass trombone mute (he was selling a barely used Jo-Ral copper bottom straight mute for $10 so yes I was willing to risk it), and because I supplied my number, we talked on the phone about the trombone world and he was willing to do business with me. Of course, this is my experience. Use at your own risk and have fun looking for things all over the country.
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- Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:00 pm
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- Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:58 am
I have made deals with folks all over the country on Craigslist. Never got burned.
It is my belief that if a scammer is trying to lure people via online ads, the odds are they are looking for bigger fish that trombone players.
I listen to my instinct. If I smell a scammer I wave the deal off.
It is my belief that if a scammer is trying to lure people via online ads, the odds are they are looking for bigger fish that trombone players.
I listen to my instinct. If I smell a scammer I wave the deal off.
- Posts: 0
- Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:58 am
I have made deals with folks all over the country on Craigslist. Never got burned.
It is my belief that if a scammer is trying to lure people via online ads, the odds are they are looking for bigger fish that trombone players.
I listen to my instinct. If I smell a scammer I wave the deal off.
It is my belief that if a scammer is trying to lure people via online ads, the odds are they are looking for bigger fish that trombone players.
I listen to my instinct. If I smell a scammer I wave the deal off.