Quote from: Daniel Harris on Dec 13, 2008, 11:24PMI would like to pull the focus of this thread back a bit to deal with what I considered some very thought provoking posts in another thread, but that I hope will, ultimately, be taken as sufficiently on topic here. (Interesting how, whatever the topic, whenever the 1.5G comes up, discussion seems to revolve around it!)
What follows are some quotes from the General Mouthpiece Size (bass) thread in the Polls section.
Blast on 10/18:
Chris, could you spell out the change in audience taste to which you refer, and what you see as the implications thereof regarding mouthpiece size? I'm not trying to call you out, and I'm not saying you are wrong; I'll freely admit to being cluless here, but I would rather not be.
BassBoneFl 10/19:
Blast 10/19:
Harold and Chris, I'm sure both of you have far greater experience with many of the products of the newer mouthpiece makers than I. That said, I have never thought that the Bach 2G or 1.5G, arguably the original "old school" bass mouthpieces, were, at least for their size, especially efficient. Indeed, I'm inclined to argue that none of the Bach mouthpieces - at least the ones I'm familiar with - are about efficiency particularly. Rather, they are about the character of the sound in some sense - a sound that is gratifying and interesting in a way that I find difficult to express precisely in terms of "core, center, and color," although those factors are certainly involved. To the extent that I have tried some of the newer, "more efficient" mouthpieces, they seem to gain their efficiency often at the price of limiting the lower overtones in the sound in favor of the upper ones. This may be some people's idea of "color," but it is not mine. True, such mouthpieces may produce a clearer sound, with less expenditure of air, but it is a sound I generally find much less interesting; there seems to be less to listen for and listen to.
Therefore, Chris, when you say that the 1.5G would be "easier" than some of the new stuff, I have to wonder. First, if memory serves, you have said many times that the point about the 1.5G (the old Bach ones, anyway) is not that it is easy, but that it is worth the effort. Second, as suggested above, I suspect that the new stuff,no matter how much more efficient, is still going to be different.
Blast 10/19:
I agree with this entirely. The way I would it is: clean playing is great - sterile playing is not. I would simply raise the question whether more efficient equipment tends to produce more clinical, sterile playing - or is this exactly what you are saying already?
Blast 10/19:
No argument here either, but it does prompt the thought that perhaps one factor behind some equipment changes is frustration at "tallying the ledger" the same way over and over again.
Dan Harris
Sorry to have been so long getting back on this one Dan.....
I'll try to tackle each question in turn, and be brief.
First, my comment about audiences.... I am finding some areas of Joe public less keen on very loud and heavy brass than they were a decade or two back.... critics too are more interested in blend and subtlety than they used to be. Just my subjective take...
When I said that the 1.5 G size was easier than even the newest of the big modern designs, it was really in relation to stamina, endurance, or the ability to do many hours of playing in a day.... I agree that in many ways the 1.5G is just another set of compromises in most other respects, though the sound of the 1.5G is a thing hard won using larger equipment.
Does more efficient equipment lead to more clinical playing ? Of course not.... that is simply a mindset... and at the end of the day, we are simply talking tools here.... and tools are a minor detail on the way to music.
Better tools can (may) free us to focus on better music.... and professionals will always choose the equipment that gets results most securely.... if you miss notes, split notes or struggle in registers, you will simply not be there come the next payday....
98% player..... 2% equipment....
Some people just feel uncomfortable without that 2%...
Chris Stearn