Quote from: kbiggs on Oct 01, 2017, 03:49PMI think Phil Teele also says (1) that the pedal tone warm-ups are an "ideal" situation, and you should strive for discipline by doing your best to play the pedals without an embouchure shift* or mouthpiece replacement* AND (2) in a performance all bets are off, and you do what you need to do to get the notes to speak. (Perhaps it was Gabe, or Chris, or Sam who said it... maybe someone else...)
The audience doesn't care whether you play the note "correctly," with optimal support, proper embouchure, etc. They just want to hear the music, in this case, a pedal tone.
Doing the Teele exercises in a disciplined manner (as prescribed) allows you to expand the pedal range downward so that you can eventually, with deliberate practice and patience, play a pedal F or E (for example) with the "normal" placement and with the "shift" placement*. That is, you develop some overlap with these two different mpc placements* or embouchure settings*.
*I'm using these terms interchangeably. Some folks make a distinction, but my feeling/belief is that in this situation, there isn't any difference. Reasonable people can disagree.
Teele is on the money.... work and work to play pedals without a shift.... it will be good for you in developing flexibility. On the gig do anything that works and don't worry about it.
In the OP's case, I suspect that the issue may be the instrument itself or the instrument/mouthpiece combination.... he should try another instrument and see if the problem is the same. If it goes it's the instrument, if it's the same there is a shift going on.
Chris Stearn