Quote from: Geezerhorn on Jun 15, 2017, 05:15AMWell, it's been said that a picture is worth 1K words. For me, that holds true. So if I see a picture of something, I get more out of it than reading a narrative that goes on & on & on. Taking that a step further, if I see a live demo of something, I can get more out of that than a static picture of something.
I believe some teachings must be done live; one-on-one with either a single student or a master class. I just don't think some things can be adequately communicated via written text to some of us, like - me. And that is why I have turned to professional instruction. I could only go so far by reading about it. I think learning how to play seemingly effortlessly in the extreme high range is something I need to be shown, rather than me trying to read about it.
I believe that concept holds true for many of us, albeit perhaps on different topics. Some of us can read all day long about playing with style, rather than just playing notes, but until we are taught by example - by rote, if you will - we might not get it.
I agree! I have always benefited more from a one on one teaching situation(with me being the student), rather than playing exercises out of a book. Exercises in books are a collection of notes, and w/o instruction of the purpose that I'm to gain by playing those notes, then it's flying blind. I've done this for years. I guess I thought the purpose was to just be able to play the notes as written with good timing, tone, articulation, tuning, and breathing, and that's not a bad thing. However, there can be so much more to gain when you have an instructor give you specific exercises with specific details how to approach the exercises, and what he wants you to be able to achieve with those exercises.