Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

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Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by Bach5G »

I was killing time in the local music store a few days ago and had a look at the XO Fedchock 1632. It seemed to have the best slide of the small bore horns on display. I didn’t get a chance to blow it. I presume he’s playing the XO on his Fluidity album (a superb album, by the way). The horn sounds great although I expect John has much to do with that.

Does anybody have any thoughts about this horn? It would seem to be an ideal lead horn and the lightweight slide would be great for soloing.

I have to admit having a bias against Jupiter/XO, but they seem to be making well regarded horns these days.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by ithinknot »

Try it!

I've played a couple briefly (both 1632Rs). They're very very light, good ergonomics, assembly and finish respectable if not Yamaha, and the price point is well chosen. Both had superb slides.

Lead? They held together longer than you might expect for something that light, but above that point it just sounded a bit overworked. (Maybe I'd like the yellow version more, or not.) You probably wouldn't expect something designed by JF to have hardcore paint stripping in mind but, at least for me, it also didn't seem fun/productive to "slightly lean on". Neither had a really decent high E.

Chatting with one of the store managers we'd both come to similar conclusions... nothing to particularly dislike, but...

If weight is a particular consideration, I think it's a fine choice, and more of a MOR playing experience (and likely better built) than a new Jiggs or 2B+.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by dcslideman »

I have a 1634R(.508 bore Fedchok). It is really great for many things. Slide is perfect. Build is perfect. The weight is wonderful for my 58 year old body whenever I have longer sessions. It is hard to go to other instruments after playing it. It can't get quite as sassy as my Yam 697 or Holton 65. It is a little warmer with the R bell, but that suits most of my playing. Definitely play it if you can and see if it suits you! Everything I have seen and heard is there are no quality concerns.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by Bleek »

I have the yellow brass 1632. It is way more versatile than the weight suggests. It can light up and hold together to a pretty high level, think pop horn section. For example Barry Green uses it for his session stuff, check out Tim Akers stuff. However its wheelhouse is leaning towards ballad and beautiful playing.

The red brass version is in my opinion a bit more of a one trick pony, which is warm ballad and lighter playing styles. But at that it is incredible. I think the yellow is a more versatile instrument.

The build quality and slides are great and is unbelievably light, yet doesn't sound it for the most part.

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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by ssking2b »

Obviously I am biased towards XO since I am one of their artists. I play my 1632R on all occasions except orchestral gigs. I find it has the widest range of colors of any horn I have ever had. But then again, I was taught by my teachers to change my sound to fit different style. I can strip paint or play a pretty ballad at will. The slides are fantastic, and yes, the high E is not the same as on any other horn I have played. I did find it an now it is as solid as it should be, albeit in a really flat 1st position. Since I play in extended positions anyway, this is not an issue. But it did take a while to find it.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by hyperbolica »

I've not played the XO, but you might consider comparing it to the Getzen 3508. The 3508 comes with 3 leadpipes, which makes it pretty versatile from lead to something bigger than you'd expect from a 500/508 dualie. The price is about the same as the XO. And Getzen/Edwards seems to be on a roll these days. Not to hijack the thread, but it might be an alternative with similar characteristics that you might want to check out.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by EriKon »

One of my students plays it. He is quite happy with it although recently switched his mind (and sound concept) a bit so he might change to something else soon. I tried it as well of course. I can't add much to what the others said. Ergonomics are really good, super light horn, well built and everything speaks fairly well. When I pushed it, it became very bright and edgy. This might be a bit better when you're used to the horn, but the tendency is definitely there and after all it's a small horn. To me it just lacks character to be honest. In terms of sound it doesn't have that 'it' that at least I want a trombone to have. Very similar to what I have experienced with many Yamahas that I played and heard. Very well built small horn, but definitely not for me.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by ACBEric »

The XO 1632 and the XO 1634 are remarkable instruments! They are easy to play, lightweight, and sound wonderful. I like the 1634 with red-brass and the 1632 with yellow brass. They are ideal for soloists and small group players! Still a versatile enough trombone though to play across a variety of styles, including in big bands.
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Re: Thoughts on the Fedchock XO

Post by Trombonic »

I am not a big fan of the 1632. It does not get that loud and JJ-ish kind of sound. A little thin sounding without microphone. Good for sweet trombone a la Jiggs Whigham.
But I really love the 1634 (I have both versions). Coming from King 2B, many 3Bs and Yamaha, some Rath and 6H I must say I stopped looking for another trombone after doing this for 40 years. So, for me..., I found the holy grail.
Warm and big sounding, plays easy like a dream with much charm, marvellous slide. Lead without problems...
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