Dealing with some corrosion on metal parts of a 50s era King case?

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Dealing with some corrosion on metal parts of a 50s era King case?

Post by ryebrye »

Got a 50s era silversonic. The case is in great shape (not stinky !!) with one exception: some of the metal parts on one side are crusted over.

Anyone dealt with this before? Should I bother trying to clean it up (if so, how?) or just leave it as is?

It's all on one edge of the case - maybe at some point it was exposed to something on that side that corroded it.
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Re: Dealing with some corrosion on metal parts of a 50s era King case?

Post by Mamaposaune »

Fine steel wool and a toothbrush, wipe off with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol, then clear nail polish when completely dry.
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Re: Dealing with some corrosion on metal parts of a 50s era King case?

Post by CharlieB »

Parts are brass plated steel.
Rust is on the steel, green corrosion is on the brass plating.
Both oxides will dissolve with this home-made remover:
1 Tbsp salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm white vinegar; enough flour to make it paint consistency.
Mask off all the corroded parts, paint the remover on them, and let them sit overnight.
The residue will clean off with a toothbrush sized wire brush (Home Depot).
Nail polish (lacquer) comes in all colors these days, including brass.
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