Is this a Bach Soloist?

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Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by KongaKenny »

Hi everyone. I'm a percussionist looking to expand my musical skillet and trombone is what I am taking up.
I also play piano.

I'm in need of an instrument, but don't want to buy one online.

I live in Southwest Minnesota halfway between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
It's literally a 4 hour round trip to get anywhere that sells band instruments.

On FB Marketplace, a guy about 45 minutes away has a Bach Soloist (he says) and the slide is silky smooth according to him. He rated the horn in very good to excellent condition. It does not have an F attachment.

My question, after researching that particular model , is did any of them come with the slides nickel (or chrome) plated? I looked on Reverb and eBay and couldn't find any that looked like this one.

Thanks 😀
I can't figure out how to post a photo yet.
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Matt K
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by Matt K »

You need three approved posts to put photos on. Here. But you can post to a file sharing site like Dropbox or Google Drive and link.

Bach soloists did have chrome plated slides. They were rebadged Benge 165Fs if I’m remembering right
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by KongaKenny »

Thank you Matt K. I'm going to go take a look at it this weekend. If the slide is silky smooth as he says, I'll probably get it.
The couple photos show the crook is in remarkable condition. I really don't care a ton about a few little dents, dings and scratches.
You've helped put my mind at ease.
😊 Kenny
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by Cmillar »

A Bach Soloist is a great playing horn! I used to have a student who played one ten years or so ago. Man, I was jealous of that horn. I could play better on it than the Bach 16 I had at the time!

If it's in nice shape, get it!
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by KongaKenny »

Good to know Cmillar. I'll hopefully be able to post a pic by this weekend if I do buy it.
I dig the two-tone look of the chrome slide, and bell braces against the brass bell and tuning slide.
Appreciate the input,
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by Posaunus »

"Bach Soloist" seems to be a catch-all name attached to a few (at least two) different "intermediate" (±) trombones produced by the Conn-Selmer folks. One "Soloist" is apparently similar (successor?) to the under-rated (better than intermediate) Benge 165F. But not this one. As KongaKenny wrote, this is a straight trombone (no F-attachment). Probably the same as (or similar to) the one Walldaja described in a different thread: 0.500" bore, outer rose brass slide with nickel crook, chrome-plated inners. Virtually identical to Conn 23H.

Some of these instruments were quite well-made, and played well. If KongaKenny is lucky, he's got one of those.
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by walldaja »


Does it look like this? This is the Soloist that is also sold as a Conn 23H.
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2020ish? Shires Q30GR with 2CL
1982 King 607F with 13CL
Yamaha 421G Bass with Christian Lindberg 2CL / Bach 1 1/2G
Bach Soloist with 13CL
1967 Olds Ambassador with 10CL
1957 Besson 10-10
Jean Baptiste EUPCOMS with Stork 4
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by KongaKenny »

Thanks for uploading some pictures Dave.
The Soloist looks a lot like the photos you furnished.
The bell section is identical. The slide is also the same, but reversed. On the trombone I am inquiring about, the mouthpiece receiver and slide crook are brass, and the slides themselves are chrome (or nickel).
Otherwise yes, it appears to be the same model.
Do you enjoy the tone and playability of your instrument?
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Re: Is this a Bach Soloist?

Post by walldaja »


I really enjoy this horn. Actually have two of them and have played duets with my granddaughter with them. I was surprised by its tone and playability. My go to straight horn.

2020ish? Shires Q30GR with 2CL
1982 King 607F with 13CL
Yamaha 421G Bass with Christian Lindberg 2CL / Bach 1 1/2G
Bach Soloist with 13CL
1967 Olds Ambassador with 10CL
1957 Besson 10-10
Jean Baptiste EUPCOMS with Stork 4
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