King 2B Valve bone - sn 441660

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King 2B Valve bone - sn 441660

Post by flugelboneman »

While visiting Palm Springs a few years ago, I had an opportunity to jam and had not brought my Olds Flugelbone with me. I scoured the city in an attempt to locate a valve bone for rent with absolutely no luck. I stumbled into a music store, discovered a music teacher in a back room and on his bulletin board there was a valve bone hanging on his bulletin board. However it had been painted.....purple....with automotive paint. I asked the chap if it still played, took it down off the board and it seemed fine. He was willing to loan it to me. As it turned out, I really enjoyed playing it and prior to returning to Canada I purchased the horn. Once home I really examined the bone, but try as I may I could not discern the logo on the bell. It felt like an Olds and played well in spite of the color. I have been using it for quite some time and finally decided to try to strip the paint. Many hours of using non toxic stripper, I discovered the logo said: "Cleveland" Made by King Craftsmen - the H.N. White Company. Research indicates it is probably a King 2B. Now that I have it down to the "Brass Tacks", the task is to polish and hopefully re laquer. Of course there is no known source for this in Canada and to send it to the USA would be costly, so my plan is to use cut polish and buffer and hopefully laquer applied by myself. I was wondering if anyone out there could offer me any advice or tips. I really like the sound and valve action and the general functioning of this horn.
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Re: King 2B Valve bone - sn 441660

Post by BGuttman »

It's probably not a 2B if it says Cleveland. If it was a 2B, the bell brace would be curved toward the bell. Yours is most likely straight. It's a valve version of the 605. Not a bad horn, and since you like how it plays it's good for you. Enjoy.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
"Almost Professional"
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