Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

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Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by mainstay73 »

I’m a retired beginner, and am looking to rent an instrument, specifically recommended to me is a Yamaha YSL-354C or an intermediate Yamaha YSS-448G with F attachment for $10/month more. What would you all suggest? I’m interested in a multitude of styles. Also it has been recommended that I get a 6 1/2AL mouthpiece. Do you concur? I haven’t yet decided on which of three possible teachers I’ll ultimately go with.
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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by BGuttman »

The 354C is an excellent beginner trombone. If you have never played before it's a good choice for a beginner. The F-attachment 448 is good if you already have a familiarity with playing a "straight" horn. Eventually you are going to stop renting and buy something. At that point you can see if you want the F-attachment or not.

Again, the 6 1/2 AL is a good beginner size; i.e what to use when you don't know what you need. You may not need anything else, or you may need to change. It will take at least a year for this to be apparent.
Bruce Guttman
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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by MStarke »

Both are good instruments for a start. Make sure they are in a good functioning state and well cleaned. Nothing is more frustrating to a beginner than an instrument that is technically holding you back. Same for the mouthpiece. In case it's included in the rent, make sure it has a round shank, no major marks on the rim and is clean. Otherwise for relatively little money (probably around 20-25 USD) you can buy a new and good quality 6 1/2 AL.

I would actually say that renting the 448 with the f attachment may be a good choice. Maintenance shouldn't be a big thing.

More important: If at all possible, get some lessons. Besides the obvious point of learning trombone playing basics - which is far easier to learn if you not only read, but also see how it's done and get direct feedback - a good teacher will ensure good posture and also showing basic maintenance of the instrument.
Markus Starke

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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by afugate »

Get the 448 and commit to learning to use the trigger where it's appropriate. (e.g., don't go from 5th to trigger 1 to play D-flat to C, but do go from 6th to trigger 3 to play C to B-flat.)

Might as well learn those patterns along with all the other alternates that exist from the very beginning.

--Andy in OKC
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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by mazman »

I wouldn't start with a trigger. 12C is a good general mouthpiece starting point, but you'll find the lower register much easier with the 6 1/2AL. I use a 6 1/2 AL a lot.
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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by StephenK »

Isn't a 61/2 AL a large shank?
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Re: Which instrument and a 6 1/2AL?

Post by Burgerbob »

StephenK wrote: Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:06 am Isn't a 61/2 AL a large shank?
They come in both small and large.
Aidan Ritchie, LA area player and teacher
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