Beginner Trombone Advice

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Beginner Trombone Advice

Post by Osier »

I'm a beginner trombonist (as in only ever touched a plastic trombone once) and I happened upon a used trombone. I have no idea what make or model it is. It does come with a mouthpiece, but again I have no idea the measurements, make, model (or age) of the mouthpiece.

I was wondering what sort of advice anyone more experienced has about the instrument itself, especially considering mouthpieces. I saw that most websites recommend replacing used mouthpieces. I looked a bit online and saw that most seemed to recommend a Bach 6.5A mouthpiece for beginners. Is that a good absolute beginner mouthpiece?

Also does anyone have any resources like youtube channels that I could go to in order to learn how to buzz into the mouthpiece properly?
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Re: Beginner Trombone Advice

Post by BGuttman »

The choice of mouthpiece, within a fairly broad range, is pretty unimportant at this stage. It needs to fit inside the receiver and not wobble. The end of the shank should be round with no dents. The mouthpiece should have good plating. Some typical mouthpieces: 12C, 7C, 6.5AL. Yamaha 45, 48. There are many more.

The most critical part of the instrument is the slide. It should move freely with no catches or drags. Look at the instrument for evidence of corrosion, especially dark red crusty patches. Also, be ware of deep dents, especially on the ends with the sharp bends. As a beginner, you may not really be able to evaluate the instrument, so try to get someone knowledgeable to look it over, preferably before you buy it.

Good luck.
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
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Re: Beginner Trombone Advice

Post by PhilTrombone »

James Markey, bass trombonist with the Boston Symphony, has a few vids on very basic startup stuff. This is video one:

The best thing to do is to get a teacher
Good luck!
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Re: Beginner Trombone Advice

Post by Vegasbound »

Osier wrote: Mon May 08, 2023 9:57 pm I'm a beginner trombonist (as in only ever touched a plastic trombone once) and I happened upon a used trombone. I have no idea what make or model it is. It does come with a mouthpiece, but again I have no idea the measurements, make, model (or age) of the mouthpiece.

I was wondering what sort of advice anyone more experienced has about the instrument itself, especially considering mouthpieces. I saw that most websites recommend replacing used mouthpieces. I looked a bit online and saw that most seemed to recommend a Bach 6.5A mouthpiece for beginners. Is that a good absolute beginner mouthpiece?

Also does anyone have any resources like youtube channels that I could go to in order to learn how to buzz into the mouthpiece properly?
Best resource, a good teacher….. :clever:
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Re: Beginner Trombone Advice

Post by Osier »

Thank you for the help and advice!
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