Yamaha Nils Landgren 893ZD

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Yamaha Nils Landgren 893ZD

Post by lmalewic »

After Yamaha made the full run of 10 horns for the European market I was able to get them to send me a slide and neckpipe to convert my 897Z to the Nils setup. I played on it for a couple of weeks and decided I preferred my standard .500 slide. I wanted to give it one more try now and exchanged the receiver on my silver 695 to accept the slide. I prefer it a lot more on this bell. The slide opens up the horn in a positive way but still makes it a great horn for lead playing.
Here’s a short clip of what it sounds like:

Luke Malewicz (LowBrassLuke)
Yamaha Artist and Clinician
Freelance Trombonist/Educator in the Chicago Area
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