Hello, I am a baritone player and I want to switch to trombone. I want to play big band. I have the problem that I have tender wrists, and with my current instrument I can only practice for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards it is no fun because my wrists start to hurt. This is especially frustrating, as I can sit my baritone on my lap and play for hours without problems. My teacher told me that this is a common problem for trombone players and it is part of the game. As this is just a hobby for me, enduring pain can not be a part of the equation for me
Tldr - to the question: Is there some common knowledge about brands or models of tenor trombones (without valve), that are especially lightweight? Money is not a constraint, I am willing to invest. I currently play a Yamaha YSL-354 (bore 12.7mm/0.500) silver plated, and it weighs 1,4 kgs (3.09 pounds). Is this considered a normal weight? Can I shed this weight considerably with a certain model?
Thank you very much for your help