The biggest surprise? It's pretty darn good.
Did it come that way? No. The general consensus on K valves is that they just kind of, well, suck. You know why? These valves were so out of alignment that the ports were halfway occluded when the valves were activated. And that's with brand new bumpers! I can only see this with my boroscope, as there are no witness marks on these valves. From what I hear, this was very, very common with horns from the factory.
Thankfully, I have smart friends (thanks Benn) that told me the stop plate is adjustable, so I spent a good half hour getting them anywhere close to lining up with the ports. Guess what? Immediate 100% improvement. As with my previous experience, K valves are not the most open or easy things to play. Instead, they are Balanced- just like the real name of "Balanced Valve" implies. The sound doesn't change noticeably with the valve engaged, unlike the previous only choice on Bachs... little teeny rotors!
The gold L bell is also, strangely, good. Big, vocal sound, not impossible to start notes... The bar is low with these outside choice bells but I have not been disappointed with this one or the last yellow L bell I had.
Personally I don't find the LT slide to be a good match for this kind of bell section, I've been using my Shires dual bore instead... more play time will come this week.