Great horn and yet, as one who has always found the 50's and 60's Conns a natural home, I have been curious about the 50's and 60's horns. Last summer a beautiful, later 60's 24H showed up at thebrass-exhange. I could not justify the price.
Plus timing was off as I was relocating and dealing with the move. It seemed fate stepped in and I scored a '61 from Greenbean. it arrived today and is just what I was hoping for and just as he stated.
So I'm sharing my impressions here for those are curious about the differences between them. I spend some more time with them both and post up later. First impression of the '61 - everything I love about my 79H (and recently acquired '57 6H) in a smaller horn. Or as Greenbeen aptly stated, "It's like playing a small 6H."