Holton Super Collegiate

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Holton Super Collegiate

Post by skaskaster »

Any thoughts about this instrument? All i know is that he had half nicel bell like on this photo
https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/imag ... 917dda.jpg
Does "super" collegiate was something better than usual collegiate instreuments at some points (pro level?)?
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Re: Holton Super Collegiate

Post by doctortrombone »

They're pretty horns. The bell stem is pure copper. The flare is very thick...along the lines of an Olds Studio. They play ok, but nothing special. Nothing like a pro Holton.
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Re: Holton Super Collegiate

Post by RedDragon14 »

Hello, I am a classical player, have Conn 88H as my main, also I have a freelance with brass bands and other "non-classical" music, where large bore is good, but something smaller will fit better.
I was looking for a back-up small bore horn for this stuff and I found a guy who is willing to sell me his Holton Super Collegiate to me for 300 euros. I tested it, the slide is 7 out of 10, but I didnt have any small bore tenor horns In my life, so the sound of these horns is hard for me to understand is it good or not. Because for me it is too tight, comparing to the large bore sound. So my question is - Super Collegiate trombone for this price is a good choice?
There is so little info about this axe in the internet...
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Re: Holton Super Collegiate

Post by doctortrombone »

That's too much for that horn. They're basically student instruments with a gimmick.
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Re: Holton Super Collegiate

Post by rzeilinger »

300 Euros is a fair price for that vintage model and if it is completely playable.
It's a solid and durable trombone with a very yes tight, but focused sound.

Still way better than any modern cheap chinese or indian student grade trombone.

I have one, for practice, latin, jazz, pop it cuts and is super reliable.
I also play a conn 6h, 48h, 88h, bach 42, Holton Galaxy, Martin committee and almost every olds made.

This horn isn't fussy, you just need to find the right mouthpiece, point, aim and let her sing.
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