Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

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Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by berntd »

I am looking to make contact with an admin of the sister group that runs on Facebook.

For reasons I cannot explain, I have suddenly become blocked there despite the fact that I was there for years and even earned the top contributor badge. I never broke any rules either as far as I know.

I would really like to find out why this was done.
Can anyone help or knows more perhaps?

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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by timothy42b »

I left that one when it got abusive.

I still talk to someone who was briefly an admin, I can ask if they still know the people around.
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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by berntd »

Yes please.

Personally, I never encountered anything abusive there.
Except now someone blocking me.
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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by timothy42b »

I messaged my contact this morning, I'll see if she knows who is still an admin.

As far as abuse, I don't throw rocks in public. I just vote with my feet.
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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by timothy42b »

PM sent.
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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by berntd »

I managed to get it sorted.

The admin is Mark Proudfoot and he is a member here: mwpfoot.
Despite still having no clue why I was blocked in the first place, I have been re-instated.

Thank you everyone who responded and tried to help.

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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by mwpfoot »

It's just me - and I'm not looking for partners, as that would require more of me. But if an owner here wants it, I'm happy to transfer ownership and stay on as a distant admin.

For those that don't know, the FB group was created as a life raft as the old tromboneforum site became increasingly neglected by its owner. It served that purpose a number of times as the old site began to have outages, then our new owners here created this site. I didn't take it down, so it morphed into being a general FB group for trombonists.

If an owner here DOESN'T want it, I should rename it "Trombone Worldwide T-Shirt Junk Mall" or similar to distinguish from this site. I appreciate the real posts from all over the world on Facebook, but it seems a worse junk-to-value ratio each month. Maybe it's my attitude.

In Bernt's case, I couldn't figure out why I banned - so I unbanned. There are over 8,000 members plus me, so there isn't a lot of nuance in moderation. Hopefully the ban was just a mistake, and if so, I apologize.

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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by mwpfoot »

timothy42b wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:44 amI left that one when it got abusive.

I still talk to someone who was briefly an admin, I can ask if they still know the people around.
I don't think anybody but me has ever been an admin of the Facebook group under discussion, currently named "TromboneChat-dot-com". I created it in the last years of tromboneforum, and never shared it just to keep things dirt simple for myself. If I'm forgetting someone - wow. I'm older than I feel.

Facebook is tricky to sort out because the users and admins don't necessarily see everything. I can only think of a few times where actual posters actually got into it in a bad way and I as an admin had to do something, and it has been a while. I typically dump the post, and if it starts up again dump the person. I don't have hours to explain it to all involved parties and then the whole world and then field questions. This is why I suspect I screwed up in Bernt's case - don't remember anything serious happening with an actual member in the past few years, so what could it be?

Most of the moderation is banning a relentless stream of junk advertisers when the complaints percolate up to the admin level. Well, these days it is flagging them for "post approval" and seeing what their deal is before the inevitable, but that wasn't always available as an option.

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Re: Does anyone know the admins of the Faebook group?

Post by berntd »

It is my favorite group for trombone stuff and I am glad it is sorted again,
Thank you.
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