Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

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Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

Post by JLivi »

I was recently poking around the internet researching some stuff about the flugabone, because I'm obsessed with these things. And I found Schmitt Music recently posted a review about the OG Old O-21 Marching Trombone.

I don't know why, but ever since I was introduced to the flugabone a few years ago I can't stop wanting to play it and research more about it. I've watched every video there is to watch on them, and I've read all the posts on here about them. Fascinating stuff. Enjoy!

Olds O-21 Marching Trombone

And here's Keith's review from a few years ago on the King Flugabone if you're interested in watching that too

King 1130 Flugabone
King 2b+
King 3b
King 3b(f)
Conn 79h
Kanstul 1585
Olds O-21 Marching Trombone (Flugabone)
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Re: Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review

Post by TromboneSam »

Very cool. I just got my Reynolds Contempora flugabone a week or two ago. It’s basically a rebadged Olds version. Very high probability they were made on the same assembly line from what I’ve been told.

I’d be curious to do a side by side with the King style. I do really like the tightness of the blow on mine though. Feels like the perfect balance of pressure with my Bach 7c.
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Re: Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

Post by ssking2b »

I have exactly this horn. It plays GREAT!
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Re: Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

Post by hyperbolica »

I've had 2 or 3 of the Olds horns. They aren't instruments that play really loud. This was the one thing that I thought was misleading about the "marching brass" name. I always thought of marching brass as not very nuanced, and loud more than anything else. This is neither of those. He uses the word "covered" which I think kind of sums it up. It's got a great smoky bar kind of sound, and I think would be best with a microphone and a jazz trio behind you. That's the setting that most presents itself with this set up. I've only ever performed with mine once in public, and that was just playing songs with a piano player. I would like to play the King 1130, but I think (without endless experimentation money) with the larger bore and smaller bell, the Olds is the one I think I'd prefer.
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Re: Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

Post by Monkhouse »

I had the Olds Marching Baritone at one time, and played another Besson branded versions in high school. I'd like to try the compact/smaller version some time, but it seems they are seeing a resurgence and are getting rare. I've also played the king versions and I always found them stuffy, but could be a mouthpiece mismatch.

I have a Yamaha marching baritone that will have to suffice, although the tone and bore are vastly different.
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Re: Old O-21 Marching Trombone Review Video (Schmitt Music)

Post by JDubs »

@hyperbolica Yes none of these instruments play very loudly, at least compared to a King 2B.

I use mine for Jazz performances in smaller spaces. It’s great for cramped stages and balances exceedingly well in the left hand. They have a mellow, dark sound- think Curtis Fuller and his medium bore big bell Olds. These horns were designed by Olds so that fits.

I have the later King “flugabone” as well - it feels front heavy and is more baritone like.

The Dynasty M566 is also front heavy and has a lot of blowing resistance. The huge bell gives it mellophone timbre, and it seems a bit more cheaply made.
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