Advice on new instrument.

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Advice on new instrument.

Post by bazman62 »

Hey guys,
I'm back playing again after a 45 year lay-off!
I have been given a cheap "Startone" instrument in which to get back into it, but it has many many failings.
So, my question is, what would be a good instrument to "upgrade" to.
I used to play to RSM Grade 5/6 level, and i intend to get at least back to that standard.
I need a istrument that i can use to practice as well as possible perform with a little later.
I don't need one with valves, just a basic "Bone"
with out breaking the bank, I'm guessing £1000.00 limit for the moment.
Cheers guys,
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by BGuttman »

For £1000.00 you should be able to find quite a variety of instruments without an F-attachment.

Start by looking in our Classified section, Lots of good used instruments there.

For Chinese brands I'd look at Wessex, JP Rath, Eastman, or Thomann since they do QC on their products (which the Chinese factories don't seem to do).

I have a number of small bore tenors that I acquired for under US$250 that would fill the bill: Conn 40H, Martin Committee, Martin Imperial, Olds Studio, Yamaha 354, etc. Stick with a known maker and buy used and you should be able to get something that is worthwhile to play.

If your tastes go more to Brass Band or Orchestral you may need to go to a Medium Bore. Again, lots of possibilities to choose from; especially if you buy used.

I'm sure everybody will posit their favorite brand here. Key is to test if you can, or buy with a satisfaction guarantee if you can't.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by MrHCinDE »

Welcome back to playing!

Which sorts of music would you like to play? In which groups?

This might seem counterintuitive but the King 3B can even be cheaper with a valve than without on the used market. From a quick look round, there are a couple of used examples which look in decent condition from UK music shops with returns policy etc. for sub-£1000. Resale value should be relatively good also, as long as there are no serious issues with the slide or valve. As always, check it out properly before commiting to keep, or if you don‘t feel confident to, ask someone who is.

The 3B with valve (or also the straight 3B without) is a great allrounder. I could have used mine for 98%+ of any tenor trombone playing I’ve ever done with a choice of two mouthpieces, don‘t tell my better half that I don‘t really need all those other instruments!

You can spend a lot less than your budget on some other options (used) that Bruce mentioned and many others too. I second the Yamaha 354 as a solid small bore option, also the medium bore 400-Series Yamahas, and dual bore 356 are more than decent.

If you want large bore, £1000 can get you into some really nice playing high quality used instruments, stuff like Bach, Conn, Holton, Yamaha etc. if you‘re not bothered about the valve.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by bazman62 »

Thanks for the advice, I'm looking around, Cheers
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by OneTon »

I own a King 2B, Yamaha YSL-697Z, Bach LT6, Conn 6H, Shires 0.500, and Yamaha YSL-653. Any would work. You probably won’t find a Shires that cheap. I acquired the King 2B at a price within your budget. It plays great and makes it out the door more than anything else. It isn’t pretty but it isn’t embarrassing or hideous. We play a “serious” arrangement of We Three Kings and the King 2B does just fine with the exposed solos in it.

Bach 12, Bach 16, Bach 16M, straight King 3B+, Bach 36, Conn 4H, and Conn 78H merit consideration. Conn 4H trombones are around and can be found worth the money.

I have a Bach LT42G that is great for large orchestras or concert bands. You might find a straight large bore Conn 8H, King or Holton worth the money as well. I play on the smaller artillery more than I do large bore. Holton made some great small bore horns as well such as the 65 and 67.

None of these horns would hold you back from accomplishing your goals.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by bazman62 »

I have found a Yamaha YSL354E at a good price.
I can get it through Thomman or on on one of the other Islands (I live in the Canary Islands).
But, is it ok to buy without trying 1st?
Or should i wait until i return to the UK for a few days and find a few stores there?
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by Digidog »

Yamahas are quite consistent in quality, so I'd recommend a YSL354 for intermediate playing. However: Many 354's are used as school instruments, so I would carefully test play and examine any used 354, before buying. A new one can, IME and IMO, be bought sight unseen, since the consistency is reliable and you also would have a return policy from the retailer.

If the prospect horn is used, I'd wait until testing it, or wait until I could test other instruments personally; otherwise you can't go wrong with a new 354. I had mine until I attended musical college.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by MrHCinDE »

It's good advice to try used horns in advance if possible, or to buy used from a shop (including online) with returns policy. Anything you buy online new (or possibly also used from commercial sellers) in the EU should automatically have a returns policy anyway.

Since you mentioned £ I'd assumed you are in the UK. Buying a trombone in the UK is also possible but you leave yourself open to the lottery of import taxes. I suppose the £:€ is in your favour at the moment.

Personally I would keep it simple and buy from the EU. There are quite a few shops across the EU with a good selection of new and used instruments, also with returns policies, for example in Germany, Netherlands, Spain etc.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy a new instrument, including a Yamaha 354, from Thomann, their returns policy is excellent. It's pretty nice if your local-ish shop also carries it and could give you a competitive price, times have been tough for many shops in the past couple of years and you have the advantage of trying it out to see whether you get on with it, without worrying about shipping/return damage etc.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by bazman62 »

Hey Guys, well i have narrowed it down to 2.
Both I can get here on the Island from Thomman.
1. Rath R100?
2. Yamaha YSL 447?
Your thoughts and personal experience would be appreciated
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by dcslideman »

Those are very different horns with the R100 being small bore(.500) and the 447 being large bore(.547). When I first got back into playing after a long hiatus after high school, I got a Yamaha 445. It is the smaller brother to the 447 and has a .525 medium bore. It was a wonderful horn for all-purpose use. I used it exclusively for 15 years before finances improved to allow diversification. Depending what you want to do, the .547 bore may be a little out of place. It will also be a bit harder to get up to speed with the larger air requirements. Every Yamaha I own (also have a 640 and 448) or have seen has been extremely well built. I would expect the same on the Rath though too.
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Re: Advice on new instrument.

Post by bazman62 »

dcslideman wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:24 pm Those are very different horns with the R100 being small bore(.500) and the 447 being large bore(.547). When I first got back into playing after a long hiatus after high school, I got a Yamaha 445. It is the smaller brother to the 447 and has a .525 medium bore. It was a wonderful horn for all-purpose use. I used it exclusively for 15 years before finances improved to allow diversification. Depending what you want to do, the .547 bore may be a little out of place. It will also be a bit harder to get up to speed with the larger air requirements. Every Yamaha I own (also have a 640 and 448) or have seen has been extremely well built. I would expect the same on the Rath though too.
Hi dcslideman, yes, it was the 445 i meant, now to choose a winner i guess!
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