.500 inner/outer for King 607F?

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Matt K
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.500 inner/outer for King 607F?

Post by Matt K »

Anyone know if a King 606 upper inner/outer would work with a King 607F slide? (Roughly the correct length, would fit in the corkbarrel, etc.)
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Re: .500 inner/outer for King 607F?

Post by ithinknot »

Surely easier to keep the 606 cork barrel? Cross brace tube will be the same, so just split the two inners and mate...

I see what you're going for here, Nils. The trickier part is at the joint of upper outer to crook. Either you need to cut off the expanded cup on the crook and then machine an internally stepped ferrule to hold both parts properly (the adult choice), or flare the outer end and reduce the crook cup for a vaguely close fit (ugh).
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Matt K
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Re: .500 inner/outer for King 607F?

Post by Matt K »

Looks like cork barrel is like $8 so I'll probably do that. Mostly worried about the length being weird but interestingly enough the 606 indicates both upper and lower are the same length for both parts in the catalog.
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Re: .500 inner/outer for King 607F?

Post by Crazy4Tbone86 »

Hey Matt,

I’m trying to figure out what you are doing here. Is it your intent to create a dual bore (.500-.525) slide? If yes, then ithinknot has the best suggestion for the inner slide….an experienced tech could combine those inners in very little time.

The outer slide will take more time and thought. Choosing the crook is the big decision. I usually go with the bigger crook (from the 607 in this project) for dual bores. It will require you to do a combination of flaring out the end of the top outer slide a little bit combined with drawing in top side of the crook, but it should work.
Brian D. Hinkley - Player, Teacher, Technician and Trombone Enthusiast
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