Preference: surround vs. stereo

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Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by ds21 »

Hello, Forum!
How many of you prefer surround sound, because it is more like being on stage, rather than two-channel sound, which could seem more like being in the audience?
Perhaps someone has a system of each type, and prefers a certain type of music on each one.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by AndrewMeronek »

For "surround" vs. "two-channel": first I'd go with whatever the original sound engineer wanted. Before that consideration: I want my sound to be unbiased: no extra bass, no extra highs, no extra volume compression, no extra reverb, etc. - let me hear an actual "neutral" and "fair" sound output so I can hear what the original recording artists intended.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by Burgerbob »

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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by boneagain »

The nicest sound presentation I've gotten out of my system is from an SACD based on Wilma and Robert Fine's work for Mercury Living Presence. The original was three channel. The SACD has the option of doing that instead of plain stereo. On the Janos Starker Bach Cello Sonatas this gave me an unbelievable sound at the sweet spot.

All the other surround settings dilute a lot of what I want to hear in regular two track recordings.

Similarly, a good binaural recording with my headphone setup (no special EQ, very high quality amp & cans) gives great sound.

I have NEVER heard ANY recording that came even close to replicating what I heard around me in a group. Never expected to. I enjoyed those sounds but would not expect anyone else to pay for it.

So, I prefer a system that can reproduce the tracks originally laid down.

BTW: there is some debate about the 3 channel SACD playbacks. Wilma Cozart Fine did a monster job remastering the original sources for CD production. Her original intent was to use the middle channel to fill in regular stereo. Three channel regular playback was NOT on her list of objectives. But I believe her son was involved in the SACD project, and tend to think he would be sensitive to his mother's original aims.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by robcat2075 »

I remember the first time I heard stereo... in a neighbor's car... after having gotten to the age of 7 or 8 only hearing mono TV and mono radio and mono LP playback. My dad was of the "stereo is just a gimmick to sell more loudspeakers" set.

It sounded amazing! It seemed like the music was somehow with me in the car instead of just coming out of a speaker.

I think Star Wars was the first Surround Sound I ever heard. That was very cool but I've never quite recaptured the astonishment of hearing stereo for the first time.

But to the question... I guess I'd want to hear whatever format the recording was created for.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by ds21 »

I had several thoughts since first posting, which are painfully obvious in hindsight:
  • Given the same budget for stereo or surround sound, the quality of the individual components of the SS system would likely be of lower quality.
  • The SS system might require calibration, and room treatments might be more important.
  • As stated above by others, stereo records might sound best in stereo.
  • It might be possible to achieve the same effect, roughly, by running A+B speakers from the stereo amp.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by elmsandr »

Well done stereo is more than enough for me. I've only got two ears.

That said, keep things in their natural habitat, pushing a stereo recording through surround does not accomplish the same thing as a native surround mix. I hate when the surround controller decides that something in a stereo mix belongs behind me... It never makes sense and I want to throw that processor out the window.

On a related note, very few people I have met ever properly calibrate their surround setups; doesn't help them sound any better.

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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by Ozzlefinch »

If I'm watching a movie, then surround sound is the only way. But for music, stereo. Maybe it's what I'm used to so it sounds "right" to me, like modern processed music sounds sterile compared to older organic recordings. But then again, I imagine younger people are used to sterile recordings and organic sounds funny to them.

It's all personal preference at the end of the day, there's not right or wrong in what you like.

And also @robcat2075, my first experience with surround sound was also in a theater watching Star Wars in '77. To say that Dolby A blew us away at the time is an understatement.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by patrickosmith »

There is a lot that goes into a mix whether it be stereo or surround. The two speaker setup is most common (headphones, car speakers, etc.)

If the microphone placement during the recording session is good then there is a lot that can be done to get closer to the real thing.

For my recent concert at Mechanics Hall, we had 4 stereo pairs. The real-time mix for the Livestream was a bit disappointing but with the original 8 tracks to work with, my audio engineer is doing amazing things.
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Re: Preference: surround vs. stereo

Post by tjonz »

I've compared several classic jazz tracks that were remixed using Spacial Audio, Apple's implementation of Dolby Atmos™, and under a good set of headphones I prefer them to the originals. IMHO the clarity of individual instruments is superior without disrupting the balance of the combo. 3D audio it ain't, however, despite claims to the contrary.
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