Pierre Monteux School needs tenor & bass trombonists

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Pierre Monteux School needs tenor & bass trombonists

Post by BrianJohnston »

The Pierre Monteux School is a six week orchestra summer program in Hancock, ME that I attended from 2015-2017. They need trombonists on both tenor (alto) & bass trombone. I've attached the curriculum below. The dates for summer 2022 are June 19-July 31. On top of performing & reading many standard orchestra works, you'll have opportunities to perform chamber music once a week.

The website is: www.monteuxmusic.org

to apply, send a list of links (1 or 2 solo examples and 3-5 orchestral excerpts) and a resume directly to our Interim Music Director, Tiffany Lu, at [email protected]. She can also answer any questions about the program if contacted directly.

Must be 18 Y/O and vaccinated.
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Re: Pierre Monteux School needs tenor & bass trombonists

Post by Posaunus »

My wife did this for two summers, decades ago.
The best orchestral training imaginable, in a very short, concentrated, intense time in a beautiful location.
Highly recommended! :good:
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Re: Pierre Monteux School needs tenor & bass trombonists

Post by tbonesullivan »

Good luck with the search! I wish I was 1) good enough and 2) in a position to go. The Musical Director / Conductor of the orchestra I play in went there, and was very close with Michael Jinbo. He first went there years ago when they needed a trumpet player, and it was the start of getting into conducting for him.
David S. - daveyboy37 from TTF
Bach 39, LT36B, 42BOF & 42T, King 2103 / 3b, Kanstul 1570CR & 1588CR, Yamaha YBL-612 RII, YBL-822G & YBL-830, Sterling 1056GHS Euphonium,
Livingston Symphony Orchestra NJ - Trombone
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