Many musicians, particularly those from a background of reading 'straight' music, will try to tell you that you should play parts exactly as they are written. But, as outlined here, the really important thing for the lead to do is to give a section its own sound by leading the stylistic definition, phrasing, intonation, vibrato and other nuances. However, you should also get ideas from your section mates about how passages should be played.
I love the part where Vincent Gardner states that you have to obtain your ideas for ideas on where to place scoops, slides, frills etc. by listening to good jazz improvisation and doing transcriptions.
As stated here, I believe it is tremendously important that you give your section a unique sound. That is what makes the best big bands!

Of course, you must always ensure that you are playing as a section and not a bunch of individuals who happen to be in the same band.
It is surprising how many people I meet around the various big bands I have played with who do not realise how important it is for the lead player to really lead a section.