Jim Nova and Costanze Hochwartner- The Duel from "The Empire Strikes Back"

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Jim Nova and Costanze Hochwartner- The Duel from "The Empire Strikes Back"

Post by Burgerbob »

Aidan Ritchie, LA area player and teacher
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Re: Jim Nova and Costanze Hochwartner- The Duel from "The Empire Strikes Back"

Post by harrisonreed »

He's still on about star wars eh?

He sounds great
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Re: Jim Nova and Costanze Hochwartner- The Duel from "The Empire Strikes Back"

Post by Crazy4Tbone86 »

I remember Jim's performance of Norman Bolter's "Of Mountains, Lakes and Trees" from the Army Band Trombone Workshop a few years back. So I am not shocked by his awesome "Jack of all trades" skills on the multiple trombones. This was the first time I have seen/heard him on contra trombone.....so that was a great treat!

Kudos to Jim for another outstanding project and performance. Additional kudos to Constanze for her performance, her continued collaborations with trombonists and the cinnamon bun hair style!
Brian D. Hinkley - Player, Teacher, Technician and Trombone Enthusiast
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