After moving to the US in 1924, we know much less about his life. Here is what we do know from the literature and what I found out through some archival work:
He played in the Wanamaker Auditorium, New York City, on September 27, 1923, broadcasted in the radio (The Record, Hackensack, N.J., September 27, 1923).
He became principal trombone of the Cincinnati Symphony in 1923 and performed with them David Concertino under Fritz Reiner on November 18, 1923 (Cincinnati Enquirer November 11, 17, 18, 19, 1923). By September 24, 1924, he had left the symphony and played every evening with Alvin Roehr's Music Makers at Bill Hill's Lookout House (Cincinnati Enquirer September 24, 1924).
But by October 3, 1924, he announced the foundation of a orchestral school in Woody, Kern County, near Bakersfield, California (Bakersfield Morning Echo, October 3, 1924).
Later in 1924 he joined Mystic Clayton on a coast-to-coast tour, appearing as a soloist in December 1924 at the Casino Theater, San Francisco (San Francisco Examiner, December 13, December 15). In San Francisco, he also appeared as soloist in the San Francisco Examiner's Christmas Cabaret (San Francisco Examiner, December 14, December 17, December 19).
By 1926, he was in Los Angeles. On August 8, he appeared as a soloist with the Cathay Circle Theater Concert Orchestra on radio KNX (Los Angeles Evening Express, August 7, 1926).
On May 30, 1937, he played as a soloist at a celebration of the German-American Colony at La Crescenta, Los Angeles (Los Angeles Times May 23, 1937).
I note that all references to Alschausky in US newspapers refer to him as "Serafin Alschausky" (although sometimes his name is spelled with typos).
Who knows more?
- Why did he leave the Cincinnati Symphony?
- Did he became a member of other orchestras after the Cincinnati Symphony? (According to the archives of the San Francisco Symphony he did not appear with them or became a member of the orchestra although he likely knew Alfred Hertz, its music director, from some previous time in Berlin.)
- Did he audition for orchestras in the US especially in San Francisco and Los Angeles? (The archives of the San Francisco Symphony do not keep audition records.)
- Where else did he appear as soloist in the US? It is unlikely that he stopped his solo career given how active it has been in Europe and in 1923-24 although I am less sure how much demand was there for his music.
- How did he respond to jazz and popular music in the US? He was not afraid to appeal to popular demands back in Germany and seemed at ease with playing at variety shows, garden concerts, restaurants etc. but was he able to cater to the different style of popular music in the US?
- Are there recordings of him or with him (perhaps in film)?
- Why did he move to Los Angeles? Was he attracted by the film industry? Especially his time from 1925 (when apparently he moved to LA) to his death in 1948 remains a mystery.
- Which students did he teach especially in Los Angeles? Skrodzki (1979) and later authors report that he founded music school in Los Angeles. What was the exact nature of this enterprise?
- Did he cooperate with local brass instrument makers (as he did back in Europe with Bohland &Fuchs, Heber, Reisser etc)? Did he act as a seller of music instruments in the US?
- Weber (1998) and Jones (2012) quote research by Normann Schweikert, former 2nd horn of the Chicago Symphony according to which Alschausky diedJanuary 15, 1948, in L.A. survived by his wife Ruth who died November 16, 1963, also in LA. Where is his grave? Are there surviving relatives in the US? Did he leave someone an estate with manuscripts, correspondence etc.?
- His last address seemed to have been 2211 Brier Avenue, Los Angeles, which Jones (2012) claims to be an empty lot but which according to is occupied by a house built in 1932. Are there long-time local senior residents living near by who would remember Alschausky or his wife or eventually other family members?
Handrow, R. (2014). Berühmte Posaunen-Virtuosen. Crescendo-Brass.
Handrow, R. (2010). Posaunenvirtuosen des Gewandhausorchesters zu Leipzig, in: Verein für Mitteldeutsche Posaunengeschichte e.V. (eds.), Die Deutsche Posaune - Ein Leipziger Welterfolg, Katalog zur Sonderausstellung im Grassi Museum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig, pp. 76-105.
Handrow, R. (2007). Josef Franz Serafin Alschausky (1819 - 1948), Musikverlag Bruno Uetz.
Jones, K.D. (2012). Alschausky Joseph Serafin, ITA Journal, July.
Skrodzki, H. (1979). Joseph Serafin Alschausky. Zu seinem 100. Geburtstag am 12. Maerz 1979, unpublished manuscript.
Weber, K. (1998). Joseph Serafin Alschausky, Das Schallstueck 9 (25, 1st quarter).