Not unconscious trial and error, that's for sure. It's about awareness....talking about sounds , listening online...but more importantly, listening live. I do play in lessons but I don't expect that my sound is so wonderful that my students want to copy it. We are lucky here to have two symphony orchestras, an opera orchestra a ballet orchestra and a chamber orchestra, so in normal times lots to hear and think about and the RCS brings top players in to do masterclasses.
Many players simply do not listen enough to sound...really listen and think. A sound heard once can live with you for a lifetime if it really hits home....I know that from personal experience.
If my students become obsessed with sound, I find it gives focus and direction to their work. Every student is unique and their journey is unique, and their playing is unique, but they often like the same famous players and develop similar sonic characters.
One of my greatest regrets is that my dear friend Bob Hughes is no longer playing....many of my students love his recordings, but five minutes in a room with Bob live, would be imprinted on their heads and their hearts forever...he was that good. I remember hearing George Roberts warming up in the trade stand room at ITF...he was old and not in the best of health but he still 'had it'....listening sent a shiver up my spine.... the sound that inspired me so long ago was there in the room.....magic.