Quartet rides again

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Quartet rides again

Post by hyperbolica »

Yesterday my old quartet that hasn't met in a year got back together to play. Individually we might have been a little rusty or range/endurance limited, but it really felt good to play again. 3 of us are vaccinated. Some of the old musical instinct was still there. Playing alone has kind of dulled our wits, but we can still play in tune, timing was a bit of another matter, though.

I hope you all are also getting back to playing. It may be a bit late for Easter gigs this year, but things should be opening up in the next month or so, if we can avoid another surge (cough-- spring break-- cough).
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Re: Quartet rides again

Post by Posaunus »

I've been playing in a brass quintet for the past few months - outdoors on a driveway. Hardly optimal, and (frankly) not great musically, but it sure does a lot for the soul - and my attitude. I also just got asked to perform (trombone & electric keyboard) for an outdoor Easter service (apparently no trumpeters available). This will give me an opportunity to play my Conn 79H, which has been sitting idle for too many months.

Signs that things are (slowly) returning to normal. I'm really looking forward to orchestra and big bands reassembling as soon as safe and feasible. Vaccinated and ready to go! :pant:
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Re: Quartet rides again

Post by MagnumH »

That's excellent news hyper, I'm delighted for you! My New Orleans 5-piece brass band is starting up with live gigs again in a couple weeks, outdoors whenever possible and with limited capacity at all times. And I've been lucky to do a few livestream band shows with my funk group as well, with covid checks and social distancing measures in place. But I still can't wait for the floodgates to open up properly this summer!
Matt Hawke
White Hot Brass Band // The Sideways // The Brass Machine
Stable: BAC Paseo W6 w/ DE MTN102 B+3; King 3B/F w/ Bach 4C; King 2B w/ King 12C
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