2B Plus slide?

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2B Plus slide?

Post by Shumanbean »

I'll preface this by saying that although I played a 3B for nearly a decade, I really don't know much about Kings.

So I wanted a cool 2b to play, and found an inexpensive open box slide from Musicians Friend that was described as a blemished 2B Jiggs Whigham slide. I'd read that they're pretty tight, and was thinking of putting in a different leadpipe, and attaching it to a mid-40s brass 2B bell. But then I found that the taper on the slide is larger and it doesn't fit And the bore is .500. I'm assuming now that it's a lightweight 2B+ slide that was accidentally sent to MF with a new Jiggs 2B. So now, I have questions for King loyalists:

What should I do with it? Mate it to a 3-b bell? A later tempo bell? Do I replace the taper with a 2B taper, or do I replace the whole gooseneck because of the larger bore? Is it worth all the worry and fuss?

If I ever get to play the slide, will I wish I'd replaced the lead pipe, and if I do, will it eventually just sound like an old 6H before the 8" bell (not a bad thing...)?

Any insight would be gold to me. I'd hate to leave the slide in the box, unused.
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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by Vegasbound »

2b plus are .500 bore so a Jiggs 491/491 or normal 2b won't fit it, tempos are also .491/491

You could try and swap the slide for a Jiggs or 2b, or swap the bell for a 2bplus one, maybe try and do a deal with DJ

Why would you want to change the leadpipe? 2b+ are great playing horns mine is a first gen with gold bell and nothing like 6h's
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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by djkennedy »

Same receiver as 3🌈😁B and606
Use w your 3B bell if you have
The new 2B bell
2B slide. Vintage 605 Cleveland king superior etc
Much did you invest
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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by ExZacLee »

I have a 2B+ (from DJ, a Truitt horn) and it's paired with a "new" 2B+ bell (7-3/8") as opposed to the "original" 2B+ bell, which was 8".

Outers are brass, so it's a bit different than stock.

The 2B+ leadpipe is a great pipe. I have a nickel W2 in mine that I like a little more. The slot is better with the 2B+ pipe, but I like a little wider "slot".

I like the smaller bell - i tried it for a while with an 8" 3B bell, the smaller bell is a bit more focused, cuts a little better in a big band.
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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by Vegasbound »

ExZacLee wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:53 pm I have a 2B+ (from DJ, a Truitt horn) and it's paired with a "new" 2B+ bell (7-3/8") as opposed to the "original" 2B+ bell, which was 8".

Outers are brass, so it's a bit different than stock.

The 2B+ leadpipe is a great pipe. I have a nickel W2 in mine that I like a little more. The slot is better with the 2B+ pipe, but I like a little wider "slot".

I like the smaller bell - i tried it for a while with an 8" 3B bell, the smaller bell is a bit more focused, cuts a little better in a big band.
Was the original based/replaced the Benge 170freelancer the Benge where great horns and still sought after by those in the know mine has brass outers and the 73/8 gold bell
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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by Shumanbean »

I'm not wanting to replace the lead pipe; I just wondered about the characteristics of the factory pipe. And I'm not trying to compare it to a 6H, I just wondered about the utility of putting a .500 slide on an 8" bell, if I already own a 6H. I don't necessarily know enough to ask clear questions, but I do want to learn more about the components of my horns, and how they work together.

My question is this: is there a way to use the .500 bore slide on a regular 2B bell? And would I want to? I'm looking for a fat sounding 2b with a lot of core and that slots easily.

And big lotto winnings.

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Re: 2B Plus slide?

Post by Shumanbean »

Question was answered...thanks.
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