Swisstbone online trombone competition

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Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

Hi Trombonechatters!

Swisstbone is announcing the Swisstbone online trombone competition for young musicians!

100% online and COVID-safe and 100% FREE for all participants!

Check out and register now!

Our jury includes Ben van Dijk, Jay Friedman, Ralph Sauer, James Markey, Brian Hecht, Megumi Kanda, Hakan Bjorkman, Jacques Mauger, Denson Paul Pollard, Jeremy Wilson, George Curran, Gerry Pagano, Matt Vaughn, Brandt Attema, Toby Oft, Alexey Lobikov, Hiroyuki Kurogane, Colin Williams, Justin B. Clark, Blair Bollinger, Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, Tim Higgins, Armin Bachmann, Mike Szabo, Stanley Clark and Matthew Gee!

How do you take part? Easy! Record your set piece and your own choice piece, upload them to youtube, register on our online form ( and you are in!

Last edited by SwissTbone on Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by Neo Bri »

Wow! Awesome idea. I think it'd be a great idea to include all of the requirements in the post here, like age, set pieces, etc.
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

Competition rules
We wanted to keep this competition as simple as possible. So everyone can take part in the experience. Those rules will help for everyone to have a smooth experience.

Please make sure to read especially the points “Recording instructions” and “Audience pick”.

If any point of those rules isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to write us a message at [email protected]

1. General rules
The competition is open to trombonists of all nationalities and background. Age limits are described in the section “4. Categories”. The competition purpose is to give them motivation and inspiration during the COVID-19 crisis.

The competition takes place 100% online. Videos are uploaded to YouTube and the participants inform the organizers of the competition by filling out an online form.

Only recordings without accompaniment will be accepted.

2. Submissions
All competitors have to upload their video to YouTube following the instructions in art. 3. They have to fill out the online form at

Submission deadline is August 23, 2020.

Organizers can end submissions early if the number of participants exceeds expectations and makes it impossible to judge all submissions on a fair base.

3. Recording instructions
Recordings must be uploaded to YouTube. Video titles are to be set as:

Swisstbone contest, Name of Category, first name last name, set piece/name of own choice piece

Swisstbone contest, Tenor Young Talents, John Walker, set piece

Swisstbone contest, Bass Students, John Walker, Grondahl concerto

There is to be absolutely no editing of any audio or video submitted to the competitions. Editing is defined as any alteration to the recorded performance from the first to the last note. (It is permitted and advisable to trim the beginning or end of each file, i.e. before the music begins or after it concludes.)

The performer has to be continuously visible throughout the entire performance.

No accompaniment allowed for the set piece or for the own choice piece.

Recording must be recorded from a single position.

Be sure to carefully set gain levels during recording and normalize the audio (if necessary) before submitting. This allows judges to more easily hear all recordings equally. Adjustment to the overall recorded volume of the track does not constitute editing.

Auto gain features should be disabled on your recording device to allow for an accurate dynamic representation of the performance

Video submissions should have audio and video properly synced. Out-of-sync audio and video may be considered reasons for disqualification. Make sure to preview your final video file both before AND after upload to ensure that the video and audio remain in-sync throughout your performance.

Recordings have to be available on YouTube with the setting “public” at least until results proclamation.

Insufficient recording quality may result in disqualification.

4. Categories
4 categories:

1. Tenor “Young talents”
Age: 0 – 20 years (born after 1st January 2000)
Tenor trombone

2. Tenor “Students”
Age: 21 – 25 years (born between 1st January 1995 and 31 December 1999)
Tenor trombone

3. Bass “Young talents Bass”
Age: 0 – 20 years (born after 1st January 2000)
bass trombone

4. Bass “Students Bass”
Age: 21 – 25 years (born between 1st January 1995 and 31 December 1999)
bass trombone

One jury for each category. It is possible to participate in the tenor and bass trombone competition.

5. Audience pick
A special category for the participant with the most social media likes on YouTube and Facebook for his set piece + his own choice piece on September 1, 2020.

Once a recording is uploaded to YouTube and transmitted to the organizers of the competition through the online form, it will appear on the YouTube channel ... oql9CWeqA/
and on the Facebook page

within 24 hours.

Only likes on those two pages are taken into account. Make sure you share videos from those accounts, not your personal accounts!

Should your video not appear within 24 hours after registration on those two accounts, please contact [email protected]. Delay in publishing your videos on the aforementioned accounts cannot be a reason for claiming prizes or compensation.

6. Set pieces
To be determined for each category and published at

7. Own choice pieces
Competitors choose one piece or etude they want to present as own choice piece. Maximal length is 5 minutes. Long breaks in the own choice piece can be left out.

8. Jury
Each category has one jury consisting of at least 3 adjudicators. The jury evaluates the participant’s performances and picks winners for each category. All jury decisions are final. No comments are made on the participant’s performances.

9. Results
Results will be announced on and on social media after August 23, 2020.

10. Prizes
Prizes are announced on
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

First 20 participants get one exemplary of "Coordination Training for trombone" by Bart van Lier for free!
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by Neo Bri »

I have a student or two I'm going to try to convince to apply. I like this idea.
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by harrisonreed »

Dang, you almost want to come in 5th place so you can get the silver bullion AKA LeFreque plate. That's some pirate booty right there.

I can picture a dutch barque in the 1650s, laden down with treasure chests full of silver and gold LeFreque plates, waylaid by pirates whose captain is playing a fantastic trombone solo from the crows nest as the barques crew is cut down. And in the end, the trombone soloist captain wins a tangible reward of gold and silver ingots.
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by MStarke »

Great idea, have fun!
Markus Starke

Alto: Conn 35h, Kanstul, Weril
Tenor: 2x Conn 6h, Blessing medium, Elkhart 88H, 88HT, Greenhoe 88HT, Heckel, Piering replica
Bass: Conn 112h/62h, Greenhoe TIS, Conn 60h/"62h"
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

I have been told every competition needs a banner. So here is ours :-)


- competition for under 25 years old
- set piece: 2 contrasting movements from Bach Cello Suites
- one own choice piece
- no admission fee!
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

Some clarifications:

Set piece are two contrasting movements from the Bach cello Suites. They can be from two different Suites.

Best place to get them is probably Doug Yeos website:
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Win a Marcus Bonna trombone case!

Post by SwissTbone »

So this just happened:

Marcus Bonna offers one trombone case to each category winner!

Looking for that perfect trombone case? Easy! Take part in the competition, win your category (easy... didn't I say?) and walk away with a Marcus Bonna case!
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RESULTS Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

I am happy to announce that the Swisstbone competition was a nice success for Michael and me. We had more than 130 participants and the level was really high.

We have announced the winners on Facebook during those last few days and here is a website where you can hear all the winners of all categories: Go have a listen, some great playing going on!

The Aliud special prize (a free professional recording session, CD, etc.) was won by the very talented Isobel Daws from the UK.
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by Elow »

Now we need a euphonium competition :)
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Re: Swisstbone online trombone competition

Post by SwissTbone »

Elow wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:04 am Now we need a euphonium competition :)
Eeehm maybe :-)
But not by me.
This was quite a lot of work.
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