AFM Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance

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AFM Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance

Post by ddsbstrb »

Fellow trombonists, I am not here to push the AFM down your throat at this time! Any of you working musicians who are AFM members, I just received from Roy Hair, AFM National President, some information about a fund which could help any of you:

1. If any of you are members of the AFM and are diagnosed with COVID-19, or

2. test positive for COVID-19, and are quarantined, you might qualify for assistance

If this should happen to you, you will need to contact your AFM Local President or Sect. and get a link for an application to the Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance Form. Don't be surprised if the form asks several personal questions (mainly about your finances) and requires a physician's statement. I am not sure if this applies to our Canadian AFM membership. I assume it would.
Denny Seifried
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Re: AFM Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance

Post by LeTromboniste »

I think this all nice and swell but fails to recognize (as do most governments' pledges to support affected self-employed workers I've seen so far) that right now it doesn't matter who has the virus or not, all self-employed musicians are in the same financial boat since essentially all events are cancelled...making financial aid dependant on applicants being diagnosed or testing positive is a bit absurd in the current context.
Maximilien Brisson
Lecturer for baroque trombone,
Hfk Bremen/University of the Arts Bremen
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Re: AFM Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance

Post by SwissTbone »

LeTromboniste wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:46 am I think this all nice and swell but fails to recognize (as do most governments' pledges to support affected self-employed workers I've seen so far) that right now it doesn't matter who has the virus or not, all self-employed musicians are in the same financial boat since essentially all events are cancelled...making financial aid dependant on applicants being diagnosed or testing positive is a bit absurd in the current context.
Exactly what I thought.
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Re: AFM Petrillo Fund Financial Assistance

Post by Bonehead »

LeTromboniste wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:46 am I think this all nice and swell but fails to recognize (as do most governments' pledges to support affected self-employed workers I've seen so far) that right now it doesn't matter who has the virus or not, all self-employed musicians are in the same financial boat since essentially all events are cancelled...making financial aid dependant on applicants being diagnosed or testing positive is a bit absurd in the current context.
And they know that. They just want to create the impression they're working on our behalf without actually doing it. I wonder if we're still expected to pay our quarterly dues on time :?
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