Any info on my Committee?

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Any info on my Committee?

Post by Icemann11 »

Hi guys this is my first post on the forums :biggrin:
I play on a 1941 Martin Handcraft Committee, the serial numbers match and are 13799. The bell size is roughly 7 inches and I think the bore size is .485.Their is not an incredible amount of information of these horns so I was wondering if you guys have the answers to my question.

My Committee has a pretty large engraving depicting a lion holding the letter M, whats interesting to me is that I have seen committee of similar time period, even one year later that does not depict the lion, does anyone know why the lion is their?

Right above the serial number on the mouthpiece reciever it says "Comm -M" does anybody know what that exactly means? A couple years ago I think I read somewhere that it meant "medium bore" as in they sold a .465 bore (small) a .485 bore (medium) and a .500 bore (large). Does anyone have any knowlege on this?

Last question, I also have a Martin "1" mouthpiece which I believe is the original mouthpiece that came with the horn. Whats interesting about it is it has a smaller shank than a modern mouthpiece. As in, it goes in the horn farther. The taper of the horn is normal, I am currently playing a DE mouthpiece and it goes in just as far as it would go in on a modern horn. Any ideas on this? Thanks
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Re: Any info on my Committee?

Post by sporto »

Right now, I have a '37 Handcraft Imperial and a '47 Committee .500 bore (had it about 15 yrs.) and I've looked for info on the horns over the years too. I think you're right about that one being a .485 bore. That lion head engraving was only on for a short time and I don't know the story on it.
My '37 also has a small mouthpiece receiver and I use a vintage Olds mouthpiece with it. By '47 the mouthpiece receiver was more like modern horns.
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Re: Any info on my Committee?

Post by Robeatle »


Did you buy at Hauer Music? If so, I have the original case. You can email me at [email protected]
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Re: Any info on my Committee?

Post by Robeatle »

Do you still own?
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